
Upcoming Events

VBSC Schedule

Welcome to the VBSC schedule page, you can find our club recreational play days and timing and location details, youth training, and competition schedule.

Adults Recreational 

We play 3 times a week.

🗓Sundays (11:00-13:00)

🗓Tuesdays (20:00-22:00) 

🗓Fridays (20:00-22:00) May to August

 📍 De Atalanta Sporthal

De Dom 9, 5508 GE Veldhoven Google Maps

🗓Fridays (20:00-22:00) September to April

📍 City Sport Veldhoven
Wal 152, 5501 AP, Veldhoven    Google Maps

Youth Training

We train youth two days a week and the primary training is on Fridays and additional training is on Tuesdays 

🗓Fridays (17:30-19:00) (Age group 5 -10/ beginners)

🗓Fridays (18:00-20:00) (Age group 11+)

🗓Tuesdays (19:00-20:15)

📍 De Atalanta Sporthal
De Dom 9, 5508 GE Veldhoven Google Maps

Competitions schdule

Competitions scheduled for seniors and Youth

VBSC participates in the National Competition (Badminton Nederland-BN) and Helmonds Badminton Bond (HBB) usually from September to February.  



Badminton Nederland: 

The schedule can be found here  VBSC J1 to J7

Helmondse Badminton Bond: Our youth are participating in class I  & P 

The schedule can be found here  VBSC J1 to J2